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We would like to remind you that dental emergencies can be serious and in some cases life threatening (especially in case of swelling,difficulty breathing, fever and chills.) If you can not get in touch with Dr. Souferian directly or if emergency occurs during the time office is closed you should be seen buy the local emergency room.

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In the chart below You will fined your insurance carrier and what we need from you at youe first dental appointment.

Please call the practice as early as possible in the morning so that we can arrange to see you as soon as possible. Outside normal working hours, please call our normal number 718 921 0111 and follow the instructions on the answering machine.

I have knocked a tooth out

The tooth needs to be re-implanted as soon as possible. If you can, place the tooth gently back into the socket and splint it in place with aluminum foil . If this is not possible, DO NOT RINSE OR PLACE THE TOOTH IN WATER. Place it in some cold milk and attend the practice immediately. Usually it is possible to re-implant the tooth, although the success rate is lowered if the tooth is out of the mouth for more than an hour.

I have a tooth ache

If you have a constant pain, this indicates that there is something wrong that is unlikely to get better. Painkillers are usually necessary and if you are able to take them, Ibuprofen tablets are usually the best. If you are not able to take Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen is the usual alternative, but be careful not to exceed the maximum dose. Do not place any tablets, especially Aspirin next to the tooth,

I have a swelling

This is usually caused by an infection and treatment or antibiotics may be required. Please contact the practice as soon as possible

I have broken my Denture

Broken dentures are usually easily repaired in a few hours. Please resist the temptation to glue them together yourself as this often makes a repair impossible. If the denture has cracked or fractured in two parts an impression is not usually necessary. If you have fractured a clasp or lost a tooth completely an impression will be required. Please call the practice for an appointment.

I have fractured a tooth

Please do not panic as it is rare for these not to be restorable. If the tooth is not immediately painful, avoid hot and cold foods. If there is some pain, try to avoid eating or touching the area. Painkillers can often help. In both circumstances an early appointment is essential to prevent further damage to the tooth and possibly the nerve inside. We can easily provide a temporary restoration to seal the cavity and ensure it is pain free.

I have lost a crown

Please keep the crown safe, so it can be re-cemented for you. If the underlying tooth is sensitive avoid eating near it and drink tepid drinks only. If the crown has a post attached to it, check to see if appears to be fractured. If so, please inform the receptionist when you call. In any circumstance, it is essential that the tooth be re-sealed, be re-cementing the crown. Failure to do so can lead to further damage and the necessity for root treatments to be re done.